Top 4 Realtors in Zip Code 79938

Realtors in Zip Code 79938


In this blog, we help you to find the top realtors in Zip Code 79938 – Texas. Zip code 79938 is primarily located in the El Paso metro area, western Texas. It covers a large land area compared to the other zip codes in the United States. El Paso County is the central location of the zip code 79938. Some parts of the zip code 79938 are also located in Hudspeth County. The official name given by US Postal Service to the zip code 79938 is El Paso, Texas.  The portions of zip code 79938 are contained within or border the city limits of Homestead Meadows North, TX; El Paso, TX; Homestead Meadows South, TX; and Butterfield, TX. The zip code 79938 is assigned an area code 915. 79938 can be classified socioeconomically as a Lower Middle-Class class zipcode compared to other zip codes in Texas.

According to the 2010 US Census, the population of 79938 increased to 53520 from 18628 over the past ten years. The majority of the people residing in 79938 are Hispanic. Also, most of the people attending public schools are Hispanic. 70.6% of students in 79938 public schools receive or are eligible for free or reduced lunch programs.

The current unemployment level in 79938 is 4.6%, which is lower than the current county unemployment level of 5.4%, higher than the current state unemployment at 4.2%, and higher than the current national unemployment rate of 3.5%.

i. Real Estate and Housing Statistics In Zip Code 79938

Most households in the zip code 79938 are owned or have a mortgage. The homes in the zip code 79938 were primarily built in the 2000s. According to the real estate data of the zip code 79938, the average asking price is $167259, and the average selling price is $60000. The number of vacancies is relatively low in 79938. Also, it is less likely to find inexpensive homes in 79938.

List Of Top Realtors in Zip Code 79938

Name Address Contact No Email
1. Mary Perkins 6601 Montana Ave, Suite J, El Paso, Texas, 79925 (+1) (915) 449-0906
2. Lillian Ochoa PO box4448, El Paso, TX, 79914 (+1) (915) 383-6042
3. Jesse Loya 522 San Francisco st., El Paso, Tx, 79938 (+1) (915) 330-7305
4. Alberto Quintero 12417 Jon Evans, El Paso, Texas, 79938 (+1) (915) 422-8337

1. Mary Perkins

Mary Perkins is on a list of licensed realtors in EI Paso Texas with an experience of 16 years. She has a high level of expertise and is committed to helping her clients buy or sell houses. Her commitment level has helped her build a remarkable track record of results. Mary Perkins is an honest, trustworthy, and knowledgeable real estate agent in the market. She takes all the responsibility to help her clients achieve their desired goals.

She always does her best and whatever is in favor of her clients, whether the client is a first-time buyer or an experienced investor.

2. Lillian Ochoa

Lillian Ochoa realtor

Lillian Ochoa is a realtor in Zip Code 79938 with an experience of more than 30 years. She is a bilingual Real Estate agent in Texas. She was raised in the real estate industry, so she chose this career of her own choice. Lillian always looks forward to fulfilling her desire to help others as she considers her profession rewarding. She listens to all her clients’ needs and uses all her expertise to help them with the greatest investments.

3. Jesse Loya

Jesse Loya realtor

Jesse Loya is division presdient in El Paso, Texas. He possesses an experience of five years. He does everything in his capacity to fulfill the client’s needs. Jesse is a highly diligent professional and a very hard-working realtor in zip code 79938. He has an excellent knowledge of the El Paso area. His high level of expertise makes buying and selling process much easier for the clients. Jesse is great at figuring out what his consumers are looking for in a home and then taking them to see homes that fit their preferences. His attention to detail and work ethic are far beyond superior.

4. Alberto Quintero

Alberto Quintero realtor

Alberto Quintero was initially an investor who became a real estate agent in Texas and a loan originator to help his clients build wealth through real estate. He believes that home is not just a place where people make memories but an investment that allows the creation of wealth and thus brings peace of mind. He is one of those professionals who can find the right strategies for his clients.


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